Thank you for visiting my website.
There is much to see - pages of original artwork, videos,
and beautiful photos with information about my
annual Workshop & Retreats to Italy.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 203-676-7030 if you have any questions.
click above on my Classes/Shows/Galleries
webpage for the latest dates and details!

Ready for your home.

Hello Artist, Collectors + Friends,
For the past few years I have been working on a special book project.
It started off as a monogram (which is a study of one's work) and was quickly, and smartly, transformed by the editor to encompass a view from several of my collectors. Together with my photographer, we went and documented all the collections, while the editor gathered all of the collector's comments and stories. Then I added my own story of how Atmospheric Landscapes came to be, including more than fifty images of art from my personal files and studio.
The book is a linen cover hardcopy, measuring 11"h x 10.5"w, 170 pages, with color images and comments, a lovely coffee table size. The price is $100 each plus shipping. If you are interested in a copy, please let me know via email wmccarthyfineart@outlook.com.
As always, thank you for your continued support of my work.
Will McCarthy ⚜️

What an incredibly beautiful volume you have produced, down to the very last detail! The packaging was exquisite... I opened it, gingerly, wanting to savor every bit. You have set the bar high, both in your work and in how you present it. I am moved and inspired. It is a rich and most generous gift that you have given. ~Laura R.
"Your book is busting with beauty!"
~J.F., Irvington N.Y.

Painting Together in Italy
As always, can't wait to go back! Join us!
May 9-17, 2025 (waitlist)
September 5-13, 2025
May 8-16, 2026
September 11-19, 2026
For information click HERE